01482 465863 P.Norton@hull.ac.uk



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    House of Lords (Peerage Nominations) Bill [HL]

    FRIDAY 18 NOVEMBER 2022 


    Lord Norton of Louth was in the House of Lords on Friday 18 November 2022, to move the Second Reading of his House of Lords (Peerage Nominations) Bill, which received widespread support.  The debate can be accessed at:

    Second Reading Debate

    The Second Reading also  attracted media interest: Lord Norton was interviewed on BBC Radio 4 ‘The Week in Westminster’ about it on Saturday 19 November 2022: 

    Radio 4 ‘The Week in Westminster’

    It has also attracted other media comment as, for example, in the Mail Online:

    Mail Online



    6.30-8.00pm, River Room, 

    House of Lords

    Parliament is suffering from a lack of public trust.  Polls in recent years have been fairly consistent in showing that only about a third of those questioned believe that Parliament is doing a good job and have confidence in MPs to act in the public interest. A poll found that only 12% of those questioned thought that the House of Lords does a good job.  The process of nominating peers has been widely lambasted. 

    Parliament has difficulty in countering criticism.  It suffers from the fact that people often have difficulty distinguishing Government from Parliament.  If Government is unpopular, it affects attitudes towards Parliament.  People tend to assess Parliament not from how it performs as an institution, but from the behaviour of its members.  The focus is not committee work, but what individual members get up to.  Parliament lacks the means to move quickly to counter criticism.  Parliament comprises two discrete chambers, each with several leadership positions and each constituting the sum of its parts.  There is no one to speak authoritatively for Parliament.

    What can Parliament do to enhance public trust?  Can behaviour and standards be improved?  What means, if any, can be created to ensure a clear and immediate institutional response when Parliament comes in for vilification in the media? 

    To address what can be done to restore public trust in Parliament, the Centre for Legislative Studies is hosting a seminar on Monday, 12 September, from 6.30 to 8.00 p.m. in the River Room of the House of Lords, by kind permission of the Lord Speaker.  There will be a keynote address by Lord Evans of Weardale, Chair of the Committee on Standards in Public Life.


    The programme for the evening is:


    6.30 p.m. Welcome

    The Rt Hon Lord McFall

    The Lord Speaker

    6.35 p.m. Keynote address

    Strengthening standards

    The Lord Evans of Weardale KCB DL

    Chair, Committee on Standards in Public Life

    7.00 p.m. Panel

    Strengthening institutional capacity

    Andrew Griffin, consultant in crisis management

    Mark D’Arcy, BBC Parliament

    Professor Matthew Flinders, University of Sheffield

    7.30 p.m. Questions and comments

    8.00 p.m. Close


    Seating in the River Room is limited and we only have 50 tickets available for this event. Tickets will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. In order to book your ticket you will be required to complete our short registration form, detailed below, after which we will contact you via email.

    We hope that you will be able to join us for what should prove a vitally important discussion, crucial to the health of our political system.


    Please complete our registration form in full and submit ASAP.

    Please be aware that the completion of this form will not guarantee a ticket, we will email you upon receipt of the form.

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